3 reasons to travel to Morocco with children

The Baby Dreamer family has been on a trip to Morocco, Taghazout, for the fourth time, but now with a little boy of almost 2 years.

If we're not just being honest, traveling with children is just a tad more unmanageable than when you were just yourself and your small hand luggage. But you also get so much back as a family when you experience the world and each other together... you grow. And yes, I have stood in a long line at the airport with an overgeared tired youngster and thought, "why am I doing this!" Exactly because you wouldn't have been without the experience, offset against the challenges. You probably have to start by accepting that the relaxation holidays just won't be the same.

Here you will find my three pros and cons of traveling to Morocco with the kid(s).

1. Inexpensive

Morocco is one of those places where you can cheaply take the whole family on a long trip without breaking the bank. You can eat at a restaurant and get away with 100 pennies for two eating adults. Yes, you don't have to cook yourself! For 14 days with flights, car hire, large apartment next to the beach and lunch, we have given DKK 10,000 (2 adults and a child under 2 years old). Where else can you do that?